
  • Category: Engineering Design Team
  • Time: Sep 2022 - Current
  • Current Position: Electrical Team Lead
  • Previous Positions:
    • Electrical Team Communication Systems Project Lead (Aug 2023 - Mar 2024)
    • Electrical Team Member - Communication Systems (Sep 2022 - Aug 2023)
  • Project Website: www.ubcsailbot.org


A student design team at the University of British Columbia focusing on the design and construction of autonomous sailboats. We are currently building a fully autonomous research vessel from scratch to collect oceanic and atmospheric data in extreme environments for marine researchers. For more information about my role at UBC Sailbot, please visit the resume section.

IMAGE: Full Team Photo (March 2024) Full Team Photo (March 2024)

IMAGE: Electrical Sub-Team Photo (March 2024) Electrical Sub-Team Photo (March 2024)

IMAGE: Leads Team Photo (March 2024) Leads Team Photo (March 2024)

IMAGE: Full Team Photo (October 2022) Full Team Photo (October 2022)

IMAGE: Electrical Sub-Team Photo (October 2022) Electrical Sub-Team Photo (October 2022)